The Magic of TikTok for the Ocean

TikTok is a video-focused social networking service owned by the Chinese company ByteDance Ltd. heard. Short user videos of various genres ranging from 15 seconds to 10 minutes are possible, including pranks, stunts, tricks, jokes, dance and entertainment. By using this platform, there are many influential people who have worked to make a difference and make the world a better place. Whether it's gender equality or the protection of the sea, it's all important. "From August 26 to September 9, TikTok users can apply an ocean effect that lets them virtually “clean plastic” out of the ocean. For every video uploaded with the hashtag #SaveOurOceans, TikTok will donate $2 to Conservation International to help save 3,000 square kilometers of ocean (up to $100,000)."( TikTok , 2019). Even the slightest effort can depend on monumental change. Elizabeth Sheer from New York posted a video on TikTok to encourage others to remove cigarette butts and bottles from the beach but di...