Oceans v. Humans

 Ocean Pollution

100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone. (Condor Ferries, n.d.); for this reason, we need to consider ways to reduce the amount of pollution that is put out in our oceans, or out in general. People seem to believe that they are not contributing to the pollution that is being put out, but there are many ways that they do. Our oceans are beginning to fill up with trash and toxins that will continue to kill and harm the sea life within it. This blog is dedicated to helping like-minded, concerned individuals to find creative ways to end ocean pollution.



Marine & Ocean Pollution - Statistics & Facts 2020-2021. (n.d.). In Condor Ferries. Retrieved from https://www.condorferries.co.uk/marine-ocean-pollution-statistics-facts#:~:text=100%20million%20marine%20animals%20die,by%20North%20Pacific%20fish%20yearly.

Moore, S. (2021, July 29). Ocean Pollution and Human Health. In News Medical Life Sciences. Retrieved from https://www.news-medical.net/health/Ocean-Pollution-and-Human-Health.aspx

Marine Pollution. (2019, July 3). In National Geographic Society. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/marine-pollution/#:~:text=The%20increased%20concentration%20of%20chemicals,local%20fishing%20and%20tourism%20industries.

 Image Resources

Oliveria, P. (Photographer). Alamy Stock Photo. [Photograph].


  1. I think it is great the you are spreading invaluable information about ocean pollution and the different kinds that there are! Keep up the good work!


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